Monday, May 24, 2010

I love ORKIES!

I've been wanting a little dog for a while now, a non-shedding cute little lap dog. Probably the last thing I really need right now but with Farryn starting school in the fall and Charlye Girl being home with me I thought a little dog would be fun for her to play with since our big labradoodle could really care less...about anything! He just lays around, Charlye climbs all over him and he takes it but you can tell half the time he's just miserable. A small dog might give him a little break from all the torture so I have my heart set on a Yorkie! My best friends mother is a breeder so we've decided the next litter we'll hopefully take one of the available puppies depending on how many she ends up having. I probably opened my mouth too soon but now all Farryn can talk about is her future "ORKIE!" She cannot wait until we have the "tutest lil orkie to dress up in tute tu-tu's and bows!" I hear about it constantly now! While giving her a bath today the following conversation occured....

Farryn: "So, Mama, what are we gonna name our Orkie?"
Me: "I don't about Macy?"
Farryn: "Um....No."
Me: " about Barbie" (hoping she would agree so the conversation could end.)
Farryn: "YEAH! Or STRIPPER!!!"
Me: "WHAT?"
Farryn: " know Mama, Barbie's lil sister!"
Me: (now laughing) "You mean SKIPPER...right!?"
Farryn: (dead serious expression) "Um....that's what I said MOM! STRIPPER!"

So now we are patiently waiting for our Orkie, Stripper. ;)