Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tissing is yucky!

Farryn: "Yall need to stop tissing infwont of me!"

Jesse and I stop for a minute and ask why?

Farryn: "Because, its not inappwopiate!!!!"


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dude, where's my phone?

The past few days have been super busy. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off and losing EVERYTHING...including my phone, numerous times. For the third time today I've misplaced it!

Me: "Farryn have you seen my phone?"

Farryn: "NOPE!"

Me: "Well can you help me find it?"

Farryn: "AwighTT!"

Five minutes later I find the phone.... in my pocket. I try to play it off like it was in the couch cushion but she knew better.

Farryn: " I'm gonna call you DUMB!"

Me: "Oh okay, well why is that?"

Farryn: "Just a good name for you."

Sunday, December 13, 2009

But maybe someone will...

Farryn got a new weaving loom the other day to make pot holders for Christmas gifts. The problem with this little project is that is nearly impossible to do when you have a 13 month old baby sister trying to get into everything.

Farryn: "Stop it Charlye, Don't gwab that! Put that back Charlye, I mean it. ONE....TWO....THREE....Mom what do I do after three? MOOOOMM???"

Me: "Okay Farryn I'll hold her for a minute while you finish."

Farryn: "We should just take her back to the 'hopsital'!"

Me: "Take her back to the hospital? But you would miss her! You don't love your little sister?"

Farryn: "Well....(long pause...really long pause) but maybe someone will, someone will love her there at the 'hopsital'!"

The day Farryn met her baby the 'Hopsital'.