Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sunflowers vs. Roses

Farryn: "Mama, when are you gonna get married again?"

Me: "I'm already married to Jesse, why would I marry someone else?"

Farryn: "Because...he always gives you Sunflowers and those aren't my favowite, you need to marry someone who will give you roses....PINK ONES!"

;) Hopefully one day she'll realize flowers are flowers, they are great to get no matter what kind they are! Unless she finds a guy who knows her "favowite" are PINK ROSES!!


  1. Precious girl!! just let your guy know what Miss Priss wants, and I have a feeling you will get just that!!!
    Love yall!

  2. maybe Jesse should pick up Farryn some PINK ROSES when he picks up some Sunflowers for you =] she is so cute!
