Friday, July 9, 2010

Gossip Girl

These Gossip Magazines sure are exhausting!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Say What?

"Hannah Tanna" is one of our favorite shows. Probably more so my favorite than Farryn's but we try to watch it every day at during TV time. If you haven't caught an episode Miley always says funny little catchy sayings. "Sweet Nibblets" Lol, and one of the things she does is takes an incident that is happening, repeats it and ends it with "say what?"... For an example: "Best friend likes my obnoxious brother say what?" So Farryn walks around the house and says "Hannah Tanna say what?" quite often.

The other day we are driving and a guy pulls right out infront of me forcing me to swerve into the next open lane. Farryn yells out "SWEET NIBBLES, Mama can't drive, say what?" :)